Evenflo Comfort Select Auto-Cycling Breast Pump

The Evenflo Comfort Select Auto-Cycling Breast Pump will be able to truly provide you comfort with its soft features. This comfortable and portable breast pump is one of the first equipment which you will find easy to bring on your next out of town trip with the family. The action of the suction can be adjusted by the vacuum control dial. A customized size is achieved with its soft horn insert. One of its best features is that the auto-cycling vacuum mimics the sucking of your baby which will help with the flow of milk. You will find that this also works quietly unlike other loud and annoying units. The ergonomic handle will benefit your pumping experience. It needs a battery or adapter to operate.

Evenflo Comfort Select Auto-Cycling Breast Pump Review:

This breastfeeding equipment received a low average customer rating. Not even half of the customers appreciated this item as we can see in its low average customer rating of 2.4 out of 5. Majority of the customers at 42% scored this a low 1 which is the lowest score given.

There was one woman who found that this breast pump worked better than the one she originally had. She reported that this equipment did not hurt her. She liked the vibrating feature of the pump which felt like a baby’s sucking. She was able to produce more milk in a short amount of time. Also, this customer reported that she liked the fact that there weren’t many pieces in order to assemble this together. Another customer also found that it was still able to work properly even after 2.5 years which speaks of its durability. One other customer also appreciated the fact that the milk did not leak into the motor. In addition, this customer also stated that it did not make a loud noise when turned on.

As we can see that it did not receive that many positive feedbacks, this breast feeding equipment was not liked that much because of the noise that it made and because the suction was too weak among other issues. Some mothers found that it was too noisy; one compared it to other branded breast pumps and said if it was quieter it would be better than the others. A mother also wished that the suction was stronger. Others complained that the horn actually traps milk between itself and the cover. For one mother, there were cleaning issues as she found that this product stopped working when water got into the pump. A couple also complained that it wasn’t made of good quality as it broke after a few months of use which didn’t make it a good investment.

Based on the rating, we believe that this item may not be the best equipment for mothers. There are other best breast pumps 2017 with higher ratings that potential buyers may be attracted to. The higher rating will also give more confidence that the item concerned has been tested and approved by the buying public. This is not a recommended buy.

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